Fees and Dispursements

Architect’s fees
There are two ways in which we charge fees to cover the work we do for our clients. Fees are either charged as a percentage of the contract value i.e. the building costs etc. or on a ‘time basis’ that is calculated on an hourly rate for the time it takes to complete the project.

In some cases we charge fees as a combination of percentage based fees and time based fees. This only occurs were we carry out additional services other than the normal architectural services. These additional services are charged on a time basis.

Percentage based fees
Architect’s percentage based fees vary according to the scale of the project and therefore the financial value of the building contract. A relatively small scale project would attract a higher percentage fee of circa 15%, whereas a much larger scale project would have a lower fee percentage.

There is, therefore, a sliding scale of fees that reduces the percentage as the contract value rises. A typical project for Pike & Partners Architects would involve fees in the region of 12.5%-13.5% of the contract value.

Fee stages
Our overall percentage based fees are charged in stages from the beginning of the project through to the end.

Time-based fees
Our hourly rates vary slightly, depending on the complexity and scale of the task undertaken and the seniority level of the architects working on the project.

Our time based ‘charged-out’ rates are published separately. The work normally charged on a time basis is as follows:

  • Measured surveys /topographical surveys

  • Specialist interior design services, colour schemes, furniture and furnishing selection

  • Design of furniture, freestanding and built-in furniture

  • Specialist lighting design

  • Landscape design services

  • Party wall negotiations with adjoining neighbours

  • Liaising with public utility companies on the clients’ behalf in respect of gas, electricity, water, drainage matters

  • Liaising with hi-fi, home automation and IT specialist suppliers / sub-contractors

Expenses / Disbursements
In carrying out our work, we incur certain expenses and disbursements on our client’s behalf that are recharged to the client along with our fee accounts. These expenses vary from project to project but generally represent a very small proportion of the overall project costs.

Examples of re-chargeable expenses are items such as: travel and car parking costs, computer printing and reprographics, architectural models, postage and telecommunications.