Terms and Conditions

Dispute resolutions
The vast majority of our projects are brought to a successful conclusion and free from any form of dispute over building costs, fees, design or building construction issues. However, there may be the occasional situation where there has been a disagreement between builder and client or between client and architect over some aspect of the project in these circumstances, it is our policy to try hard to resolve the issues amicably thereby avoiding the escalation of any disagreement. Working in an industry that is prone to allowing disputes to occur and the escalate, we are proud of our reputation in minimizing the risks in this respect.

When it seems we may have reached a ‘stalemate situation’ and are unable to resolve a disagreement, we are, as a practice, committed to resolve the situation by means of mediation / arbitration rather that resorting to Litigation. Experience has taught us this more productive route with a stronger chance of a satisfactory outcome.

Termination of the contract between client and architect
Our contractual relationships with our clients are largely very successful and of a positive nature. However, from time to time a client will decide that they want to terminate their relationship with us for their own reason. If and when such circumstances arises, we endeavour to effect the termination with efficiency and with good grace, We do not put obstacles in the way nor do we resort to legal processes. We like to make sure that before the relationship is formally severed, all out outstanding and incurred fees are fully settled by the client.

The most import aspect of a termination of a contract process is that the client and the architect can continue to communicate and to affect an amicable parting of the ways.

Professional Indemnity Insurance
Pike & Partners Architects carry fully professional indemnity insurance in accordance with the Architects Registration Board’s code of practice,

We have had continued and unbroken insurance cover since the original formation of the practice. Our policy is reviewed and renewed annually.

Copyright and copyright related issues
The work we produce on our building projects, namely the drawings, diagrams, specifications and schedules are referred to as our ‘materials’. These materials are produced for the sole purpose of facilitating the building project, the construction work and the fitting-out of the building for our clients.

Our materials are our copyright and remain so during the building project and beyond. When clients pay our fees for producing the design / drawings / specifications etc., they do not acquire the copyright nor do they have the automatic right to use the drawings without further involvement in the project.

It is important when clients engage Pike & Partners Architects, they understand that they are buying into a process and not buying a product or series of products.

This process starts with the initial briefing and discussions around the clients specific requirements, it ends with the completion of all building works and fitting-out works.

As architects we have a duty of care to see projects through from start to finish and to oversee the building works, ensuring they are completed to the high standards we require.

We like clients to understand that we only take on projects where we are engaged for all stages, taking the projects through to final completion. If a client choses to terminate our involvement in the duration of the project and yet wishes to continue with our scheme thereby using our ‘materials’, in these circumstances we are normally prepared to assign all relevant copyright licenses in lieu of a one-off fee payment.

Photographing our completed schemes is an important aspect of our work for it allows us to keep an accurate record of our projects. It also enables us to keep our portfolio and website up to date.

We therefore reserve the right to photograph all our completed projects,

If clients do not want their completed property to be photographed it is the client’s responsibility to make this known to us at the outset if the project. Unless we are made aware of the clients’ unwillingness for their property to be photographed, we will assume we are permitted to photograph the property on completion of the project.

We encourage our clients to discuss any of the points raised in the T&C’s and to seek clarification from us if they have any queries or concerns regarding any of our terms and conditions. We are always willing to discuss our client’s views and talk matters through, in order to reach an agreement regarding the services to be provided and the fee structures relating to those services.

Before we commence work on a project we require clients to agree to these terms and conditions.